•  theorchardnursery@plymouthcast.com
  • |
  •  01202 582228

Our Policies

Below is a selection of our policies and procedures, followed by a brief description of the content of the policy. If you would like to see our full list of policies, they are located in the main entrance in the green and black folders and we will be more than happy to give you a copy if you wish.

Health and Safety

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all members of staff, students and volunteers recognise their responsibility to ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to ensure the health, safety and well being of all persons using the premises.

Plymouth CAST Health and Safety Policy v14 – FINAL

The Orchard Nursery – Health and Safety Policy 2024

CAST Safeguarding Policy July 2024 

As a provider of day care, we have a responsibility to safeguard the children’s welfare. The responsibility involves recognising, recording and reporting any signs or incidents, which may harm the child’s physical and psychological well being.

Safeguarding Contact Details – BCP


Behaviour Management Policy

We believe that children are at their happiest in an organised environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt. We accept the importance of adopting a positive attitude which emphasises and recognises good behaviour rather that identify that which is unacceptable.

Equality of Opportunity

The Orchard Nursery believes in the equal treatment of all persons and the opportunities available to them. We welcome all children regardless of their race, ethnic origin, gender, disability, culture or religion.

Behaviour Management Policy

We intend to provide the highest quality setting for all children, including children with special educational needs, children with disabilities, and children from minority groups. We aim to offer support according to the differing strengths and needs of individual children and their families.

SEND Information Report – The Orchard Nursery

Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers

Admissions Policy

Prevent Duty and British values Policy

E-Safety Policy

Social Networking Policy

EYFS 2024 Policy

Bullying and whistleblowing

Complaints Policy

Medication and Sickness Procedure

Accidents and Emergencies

Healthy Eating and Oral Health Policy

No Smoking Vaping E-Cigarettes Policy

General Data Protection Regulation Policy

Plymouth CAST Privacy Notice 2024 (MAT)

Evacuation to Off-site location

Lockdown Policy

Manual Handling Policy

Key Person Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Non mobile baby Policy

Nappy Changing Policy

Superhero and Weapon Play Policy

Fire Safety Procedures

Whole Nursery Risk Assessment 2024 2025

Data Protection Policy 2024-25 MATs v2.3 APPROVED

Plymouth CAST Freedom of Information Policy v3.2 September 2024 APPROVED